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Tailored solutions for your success: Our expertise.

We are your partner for sustainable and profitable growth. Through our expertise in strategy, pricing, and commercial excellence, we help you achieve lasting increases in sales, profits, and company value. We always maintain a holistic view of your business and also support you with efficiency improvement initiatives that lay the foundation for future growth. For areas beyond our functional expertise, we are happy to recommend a suitable partner or collaborate with trusted partners with whom we have long-standing relationships.

We support you in developing your corporate strategy, drawing from your long term corporate vision and a comprehensive analysis of your market and competitive environment, relevant trends, and internal capabilities. Together, we set ambitious yet realistic goals and create specific action plans to achieve them.


Our focus is on long-term and sustainable growth, whether through the development of new business areas, the creation of innovative business models, or the internationalization of your business. However, growth is not always the immediate priority. We understand that significant changes in the business environment—such as shifts in demand, competition, supply chains, regulatory frameworks, or disruptions like breakthroughs in artificial intelligence—may require rapid adjustments to your strategy and resulting measures to ensure long-term success.

Our team collaborates closely with you to make not only the right strategic decisions, but also to ensure their successful implementation. For example, we assist you in setting up an efficient PMO, enhancing internal strategy communication, and, for selected topics, providing detailed support in implementing your corporate strategy.

For our private equity clients, we also offer commercial due diligence services and support in developing a value creation plan.

Selected client projects.

Differentiated price increases for drinks at major events
Initial situation
  • Prices will be increased for >100 drinks offered at >20 events

  • Framework conditions (type of events and target groups) are very heterogeneous

  • Prices vary greatly between events, but have so far only been adjusted “according to feeling”

Our approach
  • Evaluation of price-relevant differences between the events (“ Pricing Power Score ”)

  • Determination of acceptable price ranges for each beverage category, including through competitive analysis and historical price developments

  • Derivation of new prices from pricing power score, acceptable price ranges and event-specific special factors

  • Estimation of price elasticity and simulation of the effects on sales volumes, turnover and contribution margin , on this basis refinement of price levels

  • Development of price justifications

Result after six weeks
  • Differentiated price adjustment for >100 drinks with price increases of up to 20% (average: +7%)

  • Approach to systematic pricing for new events

  • Cornerstones of the communication strategy and reasons for the price increases

Commercialization of an innovative manufacturing solution in medical technology
Initial situation
  • A medical technology provider has developed a novel manufacturing solution that can reduce the manufacturing time of certain products by up to 75%, with associated cost benefits

  • The solution contains hardware and software components for which key commercialization issues, particularly the monetization model , have not yet been resolved

Our approach
  • Conducting two workshops with the company and supporting the creation of business cases

  • Workshop 1: Development of a common view of the addressable market , target customers and relevant competitors as well as discussion of possible monetization models (offer structure, price metrics and structure, contract model) when selling the manufacturing solution or alternative commercialization as a contract manufacturer

  • Then : Supporting the company in creating business cases from a company and customer perspective (generic and using the example of a relevant target customer) to enable value-based pricing for the manufacturing solution

  • Workshop 2: Evaluation of monetization models ; determination of suitable price levels based on the business cases for sales and contract manufacturing

Result after two workshops
  • Recognition that the value for the customer is created in particular by the software component and a cheap hardware component, but the second, much more expensive hardware component hardly generates any additional value

  • Preferred monetization model and indicative pricing levels based on the specific value of the manufacturing solution for selected target customers

Ticket pricing for major music festivals
Initial situation
  • For several major music festivals (>120,000 tickets in scope), prices for 2022 are to be adjusted following the cancellation of the festivals in 2020 and 2021

  • Cost increase of >15% expected in the non-artist sector, at the same time high offer of partly new festivals in 2022

  • Key question: How can festival revenue from tickets and add-ons be increased through optimized pricing and offer design ?

Our approach
  • Multi-method approach with analysis of historical data, target group and competition analyses as well as conducting two detailed surveys including conjoint analysis for the largest festivals

  • Detailed discussion of the individual festivals in separate workshops , involving all relevant employees from festival management, marketing, ticketing and guest relations

  • Focus of effort on the largest festival (~50,000 tickets): Biggest leverage and greatest potential for change (e.g. introduction of a new ticket category with characteristics derived from the survey)

Result: >600% return on project investment
  • Optimizations across all offer components correspond to a price increase of almost 50% above management expectations

  • Introduction of a new ticket category with a significantly increased contribution margin, ticket price increases, optimization of add-ons

  • Development of a roadmap for a structured, annual pricing process

Internationalization strategy for German software company
Initial situation
  • Client: B2B software company, previously active primarily in German-speaking countries and with opportunistic approaches to internationalization

  • Goal: Future growth disproportionately from international markets

  • Our mission: Development of an internationalization strategy, identification of target markets

Our approach
  • Conducting interviews with top management to derive assumptions and framework conditions for internationalization

  • Development of criteria for a cross-regional assessment of potential target markets in terms of attractiveness and feasibility

  • Rough assessment of the regions & definition of 11 focus countries

  • Comprehensive assessment of the focus countries per business segment and development of corresponding recommendations

Result after five weeks
  • Worldwide potential assessment in 10 regions and detailed analysis of 11 focus countries

  • Concrete market entry recommendations for two business segments in several focus countries

  • Systematic approach for further internationalization steps

Go-to-market strategy for an international law firm

Coming soon

Price increase for a neobank
Initial situation
  • Prices for account management and other fees are to be increased (against the market trend of rising interest rates)

  • Option of an annual fee with prepayment to be introduced to improve liquidity in the short term

  • Tight time frame: The increase is to be decided less than 4 weeks after the request to

Our approach
  • Conducting two workshops with the Neobank

  • First: Brief analysis of the status quo and the options space, recommendation of further analyses/modeling (carried out by the neobank itself)

  • Workshop 1: Structuring the options space and narrowing it down to a few options, estimating the churn risk

  • Afterwards: Discussion of the modelled options with project managers of the neobank, preparation of a recommendation

  • Workshop 2: Decision on recommended option and clarification of next steps

Result after two workshops
  • Quick decision for a substantial price increase (~20% for account management) and option of annual fee

  • After implementation: Rapid achievement of liquidity targets, high customer acceptance and minimal churn

Differentiated price increase Professional Service Firm
Initial situation
  • Fast-growing, global public sector consultancy wants to systematize pricing, increase overall daily rates and examine alternative pricing approaches

  • In the past, only global list prices (not enforceable in many regions), high autonomy of project managers to set prices and poor data availability (e.g. no plan/actual tracking of person days on a project basis)

  • Shortly before the start of the project, detailed regional prices were introduced to reflect the very different price levels, but were not sufficiently discussed internally

Our approach
  • Numerous internal interviews to better understand willingness to pay by region and customer segment and to discuss perceived problems with the new regional prices

  • External expert interviews on price benchmarking, competitive positioning and acceptance of alternative pricing models

  • Development of revised regional prices and discounting rules; intensive discussion with project managers in workshops and individual meetings

  • Negotiation support for new framework agreements with major customers, e.g. by simulating the effects on individual projects

  • Test phase lasting several months to check the feasibility of the new prices and adjust them if necessary

  • Better adapted to regions, partly simplified list prices with further increase (Ø: +11%)

  • Clear discounting process and customer segment-specific discounting rules

  • High acceptance in the organization through intensive discussion of the changes

Location strategy and efficiency improvement for a European chemical company
Starting point
  • A medium-sized chemical company with plants in two European countries has been experiencing declining revenue and sales volumes for several years. The plants are significantly underutilised, and both production and logistics are inefficient. Financial data is available only in a very aggregated form (e.g., precise variable unit costs are not known).

  • Due to increasing losses in recent years, management is considering various strategic options, including the potential closure of individual plants.

  • Our assignment: Establish cost transparency at the product level, develop measures to increase efficiency in the existing plants, and evaluate various strategic options with a recommendation for management.


Our approach
  • Collaborate with a partner consultancy and two external specialists to optimise production and logistics.

  • Conduct Value Stream Mapping workshops to provide end-to-end transparency regarding the production process and existing inefficiencies

  • Based on this, develop measures to increase efficiency and an initial implementation plan in close collaboration with the internal production manager and the external specialists.

  • Measure cycle times in the production process and work closely with production management and controlling to calculate variable unit costs at the product level and EBIT at the segment level.

  • Based on the established cost transparency and quantified measures to increase efficiency, analyse and evaluate the relevant strategic options, including one-off effects such as relocation and closure costs.


Result after nine weeks

  • For the first time, creation of cost transparency at the product level, enabling improved sales decision-making.

  • An action plan to reduce variable production costs by more than 10% and to decrease material costs through significant process optimisation and selective insourcing.

  • A strategic recommendation to optimize existing sites and selectively relocate production.

Market strategy Germany for international landscaping company
Initial situation
  • An international gardening and landscaping company has started its expansion into Germany with a buy-and-build strategy

  • In order to get the green light from the European holding company for further expansion, a detailed strategy paper is needed

  • was commissioned to prepare the paper together with the management of the German subsidiary

Our approach
  • Development of a storyline for the strategy paper in close coordination with the German management

  • Plausibility check and supplementation of existing data on market size and growth, segments and key players

  • Development of the content of the growth strategy (organic vs. M&A, regional orientation, market segments) together with the management and derivation of the organizational requirements (in particular the role of the headquarters in each functional area, regional management structure, HR, IT and brand strategies)

  • Check growth targets and assumptions by modelling the next 3 years and a long-term plan

Result after five weeks
  • Comprehensive strategy paper with target state, strategy for achieving the target and necessary requirements internally and from the European holding company

  • Clarity within the German organization about the strategy

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